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Jaw Surgery Barrie, ON

Corrective Jaw Surgery

Corrective Jaw Surgery

Corrective jaw surgery is necessary to fix certain dental issues that cause severe difficulty with normal, daily functioning. A few of the most common issues include an improper bite, receding chin and a protruding jaw. The problems could be something you were born with or a result of a traumatic injury. Regardless of the reason, a misaligned jaw can cause problems with chewing, swallowing, sleeping and even with your self-confidence. As the name suggests, this surgery is meant to fix functional problems with your jaw, but many patients experience a dramatic difference in their appearance as a result.

The Need for Corrective Jaw Surgery

There are numerous reasons patients require corrective jaw surgery. Sometimes the conditions are first treated with orthodontics in order to move the teeth into the proper position for surgery to be successful and other times it is performed on its own. Some of the most common reasons for this procedure include:
•  A bite that remains open even when the lips are closed
•  Lips that will not touch when trying to close the mouth
•  Protruding upper or lower jaw
•  Receding chin
•  Sleep apnea
•  Mouth breathing that causes chronic dry mouth
•  Uneven wear and tear on the teeth

Having Orthognathic Surgery

More Than Orthodontics

Sometimes a misaligned bite can be treated with braces alone, while other times it is necessary to combine orthodontic treatment with corrective jaw surgery. If the reason for the misaligned bite is more skeletal in nature, orthodontic treatment will not help the issue. In these cases, surgery is necessary to place the jaw in its necessary position to allow full functioning. As an oral surgeon, we will be working in conjunction with your orthodontist if it is determined that a combination of orthodontics and surgery is the right answer for you.

What to Expect

Corrective jaw surgery is a surgical procedure that can be performed in a hospital setting or right in the office, depending on the type of sedation required. If it is an extensive procedure and general anesthesia is needed, it will be performed in the hospital. The entire process takes a few hours to complete and involves the repositioning of your jaw. Jaw Surgery is accomplished in a variety of ways, including reshaping your bone, adding more bone or taking some away. In some cases, the addition of plates or screws is necessary in order to keep the jaw in place.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The Benefits of Corrective Jaw Surgery

There are many benefits that patients receive as a result of having their jaw realigned. Every patient will experience different benefits, depending on the type of issue they are experiencing with their jaw as well as the problems that occur as a result. A few of the benefits that could be realized include:
•  Even biting — This allows you to properly chew your food, which as an added benefit means better digestion and overall health
•  More pleasing appearance — If you suffered from a receding chin or protruding jaw, your facial appearance will experience a more even look, allowing you to improve your self-confidence and level of happiness
•  Better smile — If you are unable to close your mouth fully due to a misaligned jaw, you might have a smile that shows excessive gums, making it difficult to want to smile. With this surgery, this issue is eliminated, making it easy to smile once again
•  Fewer headaches — If you suffer from TMJ as a result of a misaligned jaw or you grind your teeth, these issues could stop as a result of the surgery, allowing you to eliminate chronic headaches
•  Eliminate sleep apnea — If your jaw is causing problems with breathing while you sleep, you could suffer from sleep apnea, which makes it difficult to be well rested and function throughout the day. Repositioning your jaw could eliminate this problem, allowing you to get a full night's sleep without any issues once again.


128 Wellington Street West, Suite 308
Barrie, Ontario L4N 8J6


Office: (705) 734-9292
Email: Send us an Email

Office hours

Mon-Thurs 8:00am to 4:30pm
Fri 8:00am to 1:00pm

North Bay

700 Cassells Street
North Bay, ON P1B 4A4, Canada


Office: (705) 475-0050
Email: Send us an Email

Office hours

Mon-Thurs 8:00am to 4:30pm
Fri 8:00am to 1:00pm

Our Partners
Nobel Biocare Stryker CMF - Maxillofacial
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Jaw Surgery Barrie, ON | Huronia Oral Surgery Group
Jaw Surgery in Barrie, Ontario, offered by Huronia Oral Surgery Group. We are committed to your complete oral health and radiant smile! Call Today! (705) 302-0357
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