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Reasons Why Your Body May Reject a Dental Implant After We Place It

Posted on 10/20/2018 by Tricia Ramsay
Reasons Why Your Body May Reject a Dental Implant After We Place ItGetting a dental implant is a major procedure that will result in replacement teeth that look, feel, and operate just like your natural teeth.

That being said, from time to time our patients do encounter rejection issues. While this is not common, it is important that you understand what kinds of things could cause your body to reject a dental implant.

What is Rejection?

Simply put, rejection is when your body does not accept the dental implant as something of its own, but as a foreign object (which it is). The result of rejection could mean implant failure, although this is quite rare.

What Causes Rejection?

There are a few factors that could come into play with implant rejection. The first one would be an allergy. Implants are made with a titanium alloy for superior durability. Some people are allergic to titanium. As a result, they may find that their bodies reject the implant.

The good news is that a titanium allergy which results in the rejection of a dental implant is actually quite rare. Fewer than one percent of patients nationwide end up rejecting their dental implants because of a titanium allergy.

Another issue that can arise from time to time is simply an improper healing of the area where the implant was placed. Osseo integration is the term for the condition where the titanium implant has fully integrated with the jawbone: in short, the bone has healed and fused to the implant. Sometimes this may not occur properly, and the implant can fail.

A common reason for this to take place is the presence of bacteria in the area where the implant is placed. This is why it is very important to follow all of our aftercare instructions when you have gotten a dental implant.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us. We're here to help.


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Fri 8:00am to 1:00pm

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Office hours

Mon-Thurs 8:00am to 4:30pm
Fri 8:00am to 1:00pm

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