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Why You Want an Oral Surgeon to Look at All Major Facial Injuries

Posted on 1/30/2018 by Tricia Ramsay
Facial Injuries Huronia Oral Surgery Group Ontario L4N 8J6When you happen to get involved in an accident or experienced problems that result in various facial injuries it is critical that you consult an oral surgeon immediately.

Oral surgeons have completed advanced training in carrying out both invasive and non-invasive procedures to address various issues related to the mouth, face, and neck - both functional and in appearance.

For instance, if after a fight you lost a couple of your teeth and dislocated your jaw, an oral surgeon will not only treat your jaw injuries, but he is also skilled to carry out a dental implant procedure to restore your smile.

Procedures Covered by Oral Surgeons

Unlike a general doctor who focuses on restoring the functionality of the injured facial feature or a cosmetic surgeon whose only concern is restoring looks, an oral surgeon cares and work on both functionality and aesthetic concerns, which is why he is trained on various procedures. As mentioned above, an oral surgeon can do dental implant surgery.

This is a procedure wherein a "tooth root" or titanium post is surgically placed underneath the gum line to allow the implantation of replacement teeth. Having dental implants is like having your own set of teeth. An oral surgeon can also extract impacted wisdom teeth that cause a lot of pain and discomfort and various dental conditions.

Apart from teeth-related concerns, oral surgeons can also address various jaw-related problems such as temporomandibular joint disorder, gum atrophy, misaligned teeth, and many others. They are also trained to repair cleft lip and palate, treat serious facial infections, work on sleep apnea, and remove unusual lesions and growth around the mouth.

If you want to know more about how oral surgeons can assist you in your various concerns, simply visit our office and we will provide you with more information and consultation with our oral surgeons.


128 Wellington Street West, Suite 308
Barrie, Ontario L4N 8J6


Office: (705) 734-9292
Email: Send us an Email

Office hours

Mon-Thurs 8:00am to 4:30pm
Fri 8:00am to 1:00pm

North Bay

700 Cassells Street
North Bay, ON P1B 4A4, Canada


Office: (705) 475-0050
Email: Send us an Email

Office hours

Mon-Thurs 8:00am to 4:30pm
Fri 8:00am to 1:00pm

Our Partners
Nobel Biocare Stryker CMF - Maxillofacial
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